Page:Village sexton (1).pdf/4

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When Jamie vow'd he wad be mine;
And wan frae me my heart.
O muckle lighter grew my creel,
He swore we'd never part:
The boatic rows, the boatie rows,
The boatie rows fu' weel,
And muckle lighter is the load,
When love bears up the creel.

When Siwney, Jock, and Janetie,
Are up and gotten laii;
They'll help to gar the boatie row,
And lighten a' our care.
The bratie rows, the boatie rows,
The boatie rows fu' weel,
And lightsome be her heart that bears,
The murlin and the creel.

And when wi' aye we're worn down,
And hirpling round the door,
They'll help to keep as dry and warm,
As we did them before;
Then weel may the boatie row,
She wins the bairn's bread;
And happy be the lot o' a',
That with the boatie speed.