Page:Virgil's Pastorals, Georgics and Aeneis - Dryden (1709) - volume 2.djvu/123

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Æn. I.

Anxious and eager to discover more:
It look'd a wild uncultivated Shoar:425
But whether Human Kind, or Beasts alone
Possess'd the new-found Region, was unknown.
Beneath a ledge of Rocks his Fleet he hides;
Tall Trees surround the Mountains shady sides:429
The bending Brow above, a safe Retreat provides.
Arm'd with two pointed Darts, he leaves his Friends,
And true Achates on his steps attends.
Loe, in the deep Recesses of the Wood,
Before his Eyes his Goddess Mother stood:
A Huntress in her Habit and her Meen;435
Her dress a Maid, her Air confess'd a Queen.
Bare were her Knees, and knots her Garments bind;
Loose was her Hair, and wanton'd in the Wind;
Her Hand sustain'd a Bow, her Quiver hung behind.
She seem'd a Virgin of the Spartan Blood:440
With such Array Harpalice bestrode
Her Thracian Courser, and outstrip'd the rapid Flood.
Ho! Strangers! have you lately seen, she said,
One of my Sisters, like my self array'd;
Who crost the Lawn, or in the Forest stray'd?445
A Painted Quiver at her Back she bore;
Vary'd with Spots, a Linx's Hide she wore:
And at full Cry pursu'd the tusky Boar?
Thus Venus: Thus her Son reply'd agen;
None of your Sisters have we heard or seen,450