Page:Vision of Almet (2).pdf/15

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the myſteries of devotion; let me forget the world, and by the world be forgotten, till the moment arrives in which the vail of eternity ſhall fall, and I ſhall be found at the bar of the Almighty" Mirza then bowed himself to the earth, and ſtood ſilent.

By the command of Abbas it is recorded, that at theſe words he trembled upon that throne, at the footſtool of which the world pays homage: He looked round upon his nobles; but every countenance was pale, and every eye was upon the earth. No man opened his mouth; and the King firſt broke ſilence, after it had continued near an hour.

"Mirza, terror and doubt are come upon me: I am alarmed, as a man who ſuddenly perceives that he is near the brink of a precipice, and is urged forward by an irreſiſtable force; but yet I know not whether my danger is a reality or a dream; I am as thou art a reptile on the earth: my life is a moment; and eternity, in which days, and years, and ages are nothing, eternity is before me, for which I ſhould alſo prepare: But by whom then must the Faithful be