Page:Vision of Almet (2).pdf/23

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man. Let thy virtue be thus diffuſed; and if thou believeſt with reverence, thou ſhalt be accepted above Farewel. May the ſmile of Him who reſides in the Heaven of Heavens be upon thee! And againſt thy name in the volume of His will may happineſs be written!"

The King, whose doubts like thoſe of Mirza, were now removed, looked up with a ſmile that communicated the joy of his mind. He diſmiſſed the prince to his government; and commanded theſe events to be recorded, to the end that poſterity may know, "That no life is pleaſing to God, but that which is uſeful to mankind!"



COSMO de Medicis, Grand Duke of Tuſcany, concerning whom, on account of his prodigious wealth, it was rumoured that he had the art of, tranſmutation. A noble Venetian who tho' he had but a ſmall fortune, was extremely well recommended to his Highneſs