Page:Vision of Almet (2).pdf/8

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path with beauty. On the one ſide flowed a gentle transparent ſtream which was juſt heard to murmur over the golden ſands that ſparkled at the bottom; and on the others were walks and bowers, fountains, grottos and caſcades, which diverſified the ſcene with endleſs variety, but did not conceal the bounds

"While I was gazing in the tranſport of delight and wonder on this enchanting ſpot, I perceived a man ſtealing along the walk with a thoughtful and deliberate pace his eyes were fixed on the earth and his arms croſsed on his boſom; he ſometimes ſtarted, as if a ſudden pang had ſeized him; his countenance expreſſed ſolicitude and terror; he looked round with a ſigh and having gazed a moment on the deſert that lay before him he ſeemed as if he wiſhed to ſtop, but was impelled forward by ſome invisible power: His features, however, ſoon ſettled again into a calm melancholy; his eyes were again fixed on the ground, and he went on as before, with apparent reluctance, but without emotion. I was ſtruck with this appearance, and turning haſtily to the angel, was about to enquire,