114 ; the vision of the Flying Roll, 146.
Benaiah, Rabbi, on meaning of word "Hadrach," 287.
Bernard, Progress of Doctrine hi (he New Testament, 112.
Bernard, St., quotation from, 250.
Bethel, deputation from, 210-211 ; answer of Jehovah to, 214, 225 ; foreign names borne by, 212, 213 ; message to, 229 ; question put by, 213, 214, 248 ; special significance of, 211, 212.
Blayney (Dr.), Benjamin, Dissertation on the Seventy Weeks of Daniel, 263 ; opinion of, with regard to authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 263, 264, 277.
Bleek, on meaning of word "Had rach," 287; view on authorship of second part of Zechariah, 395.
Body of Moses, the, contention as to connection of reference in Epistle of Jude to, with fourth vision of Zecha riah, 122-124.
Bottcher, on authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 270, 273.
Bredenkamp, 182, on authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 276 ; colours of horses in eighth vision, 179-181 ; reason for Zechariah men tioning Egypt, especially in reference to the Feast of Tabernacles, 530 ; woman in the ephah, 165 ; Prophet Sacharja, 157; word "Hadrach" regarded by, as scribal error, 287. Bunsen, on pre-exilic authorship of the second part of Zechariah, 395, 396.
Calvin, on colours of horses in eighth vision, 177 ; on chap. ix. 7, 297.
Candlestick, golden, belonging to Tab ernacle, not Temple, 147 ; catholic unity symbolised by, 133, 143 ; de scription of, 130, 131 ; emblematical of Israel s religious and ecclesiastical position, 131, 134.
" Captivity," the, 237-238; "a brand plucked out of the fire " as figure of,
94 9S 96> distinction between The Desolations " and, 35 ; influence and result on Jews of, 157, 158; myrtles in first vision as symbolical of, 25, 26; prophetic period termed " times of the Gentiles " inaugurated by, 96 ; uncertainty as to starting-point of, 34.
"Carpenters" or Smiths, the, four, 52-54 ; divine judgment and omni potence symbolised by, 52, 53.
"Cedars "and "firs" (or "cypresses"), referred to by Zechariah, figurative terms, 378.
Chariot, Jewish Rabbis definition of,
Chariots, the four, eighth vision, in- terpretation of, 175 ; significance of number, 175, 176; winds identified with, 175, 176, 178.
Chieftain, Philistine nation referred to as, chap. ix. 7, 296.
Christ, foundation-stone of Temple as symbol of, 115, 117 ; national rejec tion by Jews of, 76-78 ; prophetic forecast of, concerning Jerusalem, 66 ; the Messiah of Israel, 112.
Christendom, application of vision of Flying Roll to, 146 ; cruelty and oppression of Jews by, 50 ; modern crimes of, against Jews, 36, 37 ; nations of, prophetic message to, 231.
Clement of Alexandria, quotation from, 252.
Commentators, Christian, difference of opinion between Jewish and, as to term "one day," 118, 120; limited view of, with regard to promise given to Joshua, 105 ; Jewish views regard ing the number "four," 45, 46.
Commerce, characterised by Angel in seventh vision as "wickedness" or "lawlessness," 159, 161, 164 ; dis tinctive mark of England, 161-163 ; its effect upon nations, 161 ; Meso- potamian prospects with regard to, 169-170.
Corner-stone, the, emblematic of the Messiah, 140, 347, 350 ; Solomon s