Fire, punishment symbolised by, 97. Four, the number, significance of, 45, 46, 176, 178, 179, i So.
Ganneau, M., inscription on Court of Temple discovered by, 188.
Gentiles, post-restoration prophecies concerning Jews and, 253-255 ; solemn warnings of God to, 37, 38.
Gesenius, on signification of " Regem- melekh," 212 ; on meaning of word "Hadrach," 287; rendering by, of Hebrew word " Mah lekhim," 104.
God, symbols of the presence of, 96 ; message of, its eternal and unfailing character, 17.
Godet, Professor (the late), no.
Good Shepherd, Jehovah, in the per son of the Messiah, will act as, to Israel, 344.
Gospels, the, John ; Divine Sonship of Christ, the keynote of, no, 113; Luke ; Christ as Son of Man, the keynote of, 1 1 2, 1 1 3 ; Mark ; perfect service of Christ, the keynote of, in, 112; Matthew; kingship of Christ, the keynote of, no, ill ; twofold nature of Christ predominant alike in prophecies and, 113.
Green (Dr.), Max, The Jewish Question and the Key to its Solution, 79-
Grotius on, "And I cut off three shep herds in one month," 396 ; the woman in the ephah, 160, 161.
Hadrach, former city of, discoveries pointing to its existence, 288 ; land of, threat concerning, 285, 286 ; meaning of word, Bleek on, 287 ; Gesenius on, 287 ; Hengstenberg on, 287 ; Rabbi Benaiah on (Kimchi), 287 ; symbolical or mys tical, 287 ; word, regarded by Bre- denkamp, Olshausen, and von Ortenberg as scribal error, 287.
Hamath, barden of wrath shared by, 290.
Hammond, on authorship of last six chapters of Zechariah, 263.
Hauran, Hadrach regarded as scribal error for, 287.
Hecataeus, description of Jerusalem by, 64.
Hengstenberg, 89, 94, 201 ; Christ- ology, 286, 304 ; criticism of, con cerning Messianic prophecies of Zechariah, 6 ; on authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 268, 276 ; colours of horses in eighth vision, 177, 178; foolish (wicked) shepherd, 415 ; interpretation of the I4th chapter of Zechariah, 489 ; meaning of word Hadrach, 287 ; mountains of brass, 174 ; origin of Messiah, 194; "sleep" of Zechariah, 130; symbolism of stone laid before Joshua, 115; the four horns, 46; the land of Shinar, 167 ; the re tribution which fell on the Jews after their rejection of the Messiah, 385, 386 ; the vision of the Flying Roll, 146 ; triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem, 312; "two parts therein shall be cut off," 483; visions of Zechariah, 160 ; woman in the ephah, 165 ; rendering of MaKlekhim by, 104, 105 ; views of, on charge to Joshua, 104.
Herodotus, story of Glaucus recorded by, 149, 150.
Hitzig, 71 ; argument against post- exilic origin of second half of the Book of Zechariah, 368 ; on crown ing of Joshua, 189, 190; mountains of brass, 174 ; on pre-exilic author ship of final chapters of Zechariah,
395, 396. Hoffmann, von, on, "And I cut off
three shepherds in one month," 393 !
foundation-stone of Temple, 115;
mountains of brass, 174; on Zech-
ariah s reference to a future siege of
Jerusalem, 490. Holy Scriptures, oracles of God,
Homage to Jehovah at Jerusalem ; with holding of rain as punishment for neglect to render, 528.