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Page:Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah (Baron, David).djvu/556

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righteous and beneficent rule on earth, 506-510 ; four aspects of, in Old Testament, 109, 194, 305, 306 ; ful ness of promise to Jews only fulfilled with return of, 38, 39 ; intercession and compassion of, for suffering Israel, 33, 34 ; mission extends to whole world, 314, 315 ; offices of Priest and King combined in person of, 199-201 ; origin and dignity of, 194 ; person and mission of, as pictured by Zechariah, 190-206, 314-316; predicted as the ideal King, 109 ; predictions concern ing, 107-119; prophetic picture of fulfilment of, in the Christ of history, 310-314 ; rejection of, by the Jews : retribution which followed, 387 ; return of, as predicted by Zechariah, 231-233 ; return of Glory of Jehovah in Person of, 85 ; riding upon an ass : signification of, 309 ; second coming of, at place whence He was carried up to heaven, 496 ; Israel s transformed condition at, 357, 358 ; slaying of, the great crime of the Jews, 473, 474 ; titles of, different aspects of character portrayed by, 107-115, 194; two advents of, 305; twofold nature of, 477, 478 ; work of, I94-I99-

Messiahs, Jewish belief as to two, 76. Messianic Kingdom, establishment on

earth of, 67.

Messianic prophecies of Zechariah. See Zechariah, Messianic prophecies of.

Michelet, M., The Life of Ltither, 93. Midrashim, Jewish, legends in, 123 ; J traditions from, concerning founda- 3n-stone of Second Temple, 115. : desiium, forecast of conditions on Anttj., S^-S^. 5 28 -53 2 - 64. ificance of, 99, 100. Joshua, thof, refusal of Israel to hear representai22O, 221, 222. 88, 95, 104," or copper, in eighth the Angel of jt probable reference and ecclesiastical 1 Olivet, 173, 174 ; by, 135, 136, 166 ;

Mount Zion, prophecy concerning, 233,


" My house," God the shield and pro tector of, 298 ; refers to the Temple, 298.

Myrtle trees, in first vision, symbolic meaning of, 23, 24-27, 38.

" Naar," application of term to Zechariah, probable reason for, 7, 60, 6 1 ; meaning of, 7, 8 ; term in applicable to angels, 60.

Nail in the sure place, the, emblematic of the Messiah, 351-354.

Nations, ancient, attitude of, in relation to Israel, 48-50.

Newcombe, Archbishop William, on authorship of final chapters of Zechariah, 262, 263 ; Twelve Minor Prophets, by, 263.

Newton, B. W., Babylon and Egypt, by, 163 ; nations represented in the gathering against Israel by their armies, 520 ; on the gathering of "all nations of the earth" against Jerusalem, 429 ; the peace and harmony that will reign on earth at the millennium, 505; "there shall be light at evening time," 501-502 ; Thoughts on the Apocalypse, 133.

Old Testament prophecies : reading New Testament into ; Jewish and rationalistic writers objection to.


Olive trees, in fifth vision, Joshua the priest, and Zerubbabel the prince represented by, 135, 136 ; symbol ism of, 130-131.

Olshausen, word " Hadrach" regarded by, as scribal error, 287.

Orelli, von (Professor), of Basel, argu ments against unity of Book of Zechariah, 272, 275, 276, 279 ; Comm. on the Twelve Minor Prophets, 272 ; judgments of God, leading to universal homage to the universal ruler, 520.

Origen, 123.