Page:Visit of the Hon. Carl Schurz to Boston, March 1881.pdf/23

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 Russell, Henry S.
*Russell, William G.
*Samuel, N.
*Sanford, John E.
*Schlesinger, Barthold
*Schlesinger, S. B.
*Sears, J. Henry
*Sears, J. Montgomery
*Shaw, Lemuel
*Shepard, Harvey N.
*Shuman, A.
*Simes, William
 Sleeper, J. Henry
*Smith, Edward M.
 Smith, W. L.
*Snelling, George H.
*Sowdon, A. J. C.
*Spaulding, John P.
*Spaulding, Mahlon D.
*Sprague, Henry H.
*Stackpole, J. Lewis
*Stearns, Frank W.
*Stearns, Richard H.
 Stebbins, Solomon B.
*Stockton, Howard
 Storer, W. Brandt
 Storey, Moorfield
 Storrow, James J.

*Sturgis, James
 Sturgis, John H.
 Sullivan, Richard
*Talbot, I. Tisdale
 Talbot, Thomas
*Tappan, Lewis W.
*Teele, John O.
 Terhune, Edward P.
*Thayer, Frank N.
*Thayer, James B.
*Thompson, Albert
*Thompson, Francis
*Thompson, Robert M.
 Thorndike, John L.
*Thorndike, S. Lothrop
*Thorp, Joseph G.
*Townsend, Edward B.
*Train, Charles R.
*Villard, Henry (N. Y.)
*Wadleigh, Bainbridge
 (New Hampshire)
*Walcott, Charles F.
*Walcott, Henry P.
*Walker, Nathaniel
*Ware, William R.
*Warner, Joseph B.
*Warren, H. Langford
*Warren, Samuel M.

 Webster, John G.
 Weeks, Allen S.
*Weil, Charles
*Weissbein, Louis
*Weld, A. Davis, Jr.
*Weld, Francis M.
 (New York)
*Weld, Otis E.
*Weld, William G.
*Wellington, Henry W.
*Wells, Samuel
*Weston, Henry C.
*Wesselhoeft, Conrad
*Wheeler, Alexander S.
*Wheeler, Henry N.
*White, Charles G.
*Whitman Henry
*Whitney, Henry M.
*Williams, George Fred.
 Williams, Moses, Jr.
*Williams, S. Augustus
*Williams, William B.
 Wilson, James H.
 Winsor, Alfred
*Winsor, Justin
*Wolcott, Roger
*Woods, Henry
*Young, Charles

* Attended the Dinner