Page:Visit of the Hon. Carl Schurz to Boston, March 1881.pdf/31

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has been done, and the nation has recognized its fault and its humiliation, surely that citizen may stand acquitted who, first of all men holding executive or legislative office, proclaimed the wrong and demanded the redress.

These are the views, as I have tried imperfectly to interpret them, of this assembly,—representing, not, I trust, altogether inadequately, the commercial enterprise, the literary culture, and the independent politics of Massachusetts. We offer to our guest, now withdrawing—temporarily, we hope—from the public service, this tribute of our regard. We will not believe that the country is to lose his valued counsels. He will yet be heard, we doubt not, in the press and in the gatherings of the people; and we know that he will discuss the issues of the day with the highest intellectuality, patriotism, and power. Looking hopefully forward to the future, we are here to-night to thank him for the past, and to give him our best wishes and our heartiest commendation. Health and prosperity and added distinguished public honors to Carl Schurz!