Page:Visit of the Hon. Carl Schurz to Boston, March 1881.pdf/84

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Equitable Building,
, March 8, 1881.

Dear Sir,—The committee having charge of the invitations to the dinner to be given to the Hon. Carl Schurz in Boston, on Tuesday, March 22, cordially extend to you an invitation to attend the dinner, and to share with Mr. Schurz the appreciation which citizens of Massachusetts entertain for the satisfactory manner in which the Cabinet officers of the last Administration performed their manifold and laborious duties.

It is especially the wish of the Committee that the Massachusetts representative in the last Cabinet should receive the honors due to his faithful and able performances; and you are therefore placed first on the list of invited guests to the dinner.

Very sincerely yours,

Francis Parkman.
Edward Atkinson.
Alfred D. Chandler.

Hon. Charles Devens, Washington