%m^ xk^j^vij jkT^T f^'j^i'. wv^.V^
220-2. Similarly, discarding the bod;- , the Buddhi, and the reflection of the Ghi^ oi it, and realising the Witness, the Self, the Knowledge Absolute, the cause of the mani- festation of everything, which is hidden in the recesses of the Buddhi and is ^stinct from the gross and subtle, elernal, omni- present, all-pervading, extremely subtle, which has neither interiot nor ex-erlor, , and is identical with oneself, — fully realis- ing this true nature of oneself, one be- comes free from sin, and taint, and death and grief, and becomes the embodiment of Bliss. Illumined himself, he :s afraid of none. For a seeker after liberation there is no other way to the breaking of the bonds of transmigration than the realisa- tion of the truth of one's own Self.
[ Bidden Bu(Idhi—li is the purified Buddhi
which catclies a glimpse of the Atman,
The sense of various Sruii p;<ssages (A Advailifc import is reproiluced in 'these StokftS. The t^adw
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