iheSmlis. to winch the rest of the Vedas must be subfuiliiialed.
The Lord etc.- beinp: ll.e Revealer of the truths of ti.e Sniiis. Or the i.lUisieii «nay be to Sri Krishna's words in the Gna quoted in the next verse. ]
233. The Lord, who knows the secret of all things, has supported this view in the words— "But I am not in them/* " And the beings are not in Me."
[ Whoknoivs fo^f.— Because He is Omniscient.
" But I am not ^/f."— The reference is to the 4th
and 5lh SU.kas of the 9iii chapter of the Gita
A^'liicli declare thai all existence owes its being to
Brahman which is its subsiratum, yet Absolute. ]
jx^ ^^ ^>? ni^^ ^iHTiw^^mi?: I
234. If the universe be true, let it then be perceived in the state of deep sleep also. As it is not at all perceived in that state, it must be unreal and false, like dreams.
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