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240. which can be neither thrown away nor taken tip, which is beyond the reach of mind and speech, immeasurable, with- out beginning and end, the Whole, one^s very Self, and of surpassing glory.
[Neither thrown ...... taken up—Because It is not a material thing but one's Real Self. ]
241-2. If thus the Sruti, in the dictum "Thou art That" (Tat-Twam-Asi), repeatedly establishes the absolute identity of Brahman (or Isvara) and Jiva, denoted by the terms That (Tat) and Thou (Tvam) respectively, divesting these terms of their relative associations, then it is the identity of their implied, not literal, meanings which is sought to be inculcated, for they are of contradictory attributes to each other—like the sun and a glow-worm, the king