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learned or ignorant, happy or miserable and so fortii. ]

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302. The treasure of the Bliss of Brah- man is coiled round by the mighty deadly serpent of Egoism, and guarded for its own use by means of its three fierce hoods consisting of the three Gunas. Only the wise man destroying it by severing its three hoods with the great sword of Reali- sation in accordance with the teachings of the Srutis can enjoy this treasure which confers bliss.

[In this Sloka Egoism i« compared to a three- headed snake. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas — balance, activity and inertia — are spoken of as its three hoods. The way to destroy it is through Realisation. When Egoism is gone, one is conscious of his real nature as Brahman. The appropriateness of the metaphors is obvious. ]

303. As long as there is a trace of poisoning left in the body, how can one

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