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•^ 339. To realise oneself as the Self of the whole universe is the means of get- ting rid of bondage. There is nothing higher than the identity of oneself with the whole universe. One realises this state by excluding the objective world through steadfastness in the eternal Atman.

340. How is the exclusion of the ob- jective world possible for one who has an identification with the body, whose mind is attached to the perception of external objects, and who performs various acts for that end? This exclusion of sense- objects from the mind should be carefully practised by the sages who have renounced all kinds of duties and actions and objects, who are passionately devoted to the eternal Atman, and who wish to possess an

undying bliss.

[ Duties — belonging to various stations in life. Aeiions — i.e. selfish actions. O^yVr/j— sense -objects.

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