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realisation of the Truth of Atman.

jorr-'d'r 3[r??T: q^'g'T^^r: ^^rr^^^T^Tf:: ^mra^

355. The Sannyasins, cahn, self-con- troiled, perfectly retiring; from the sense- world, forbearing, and devoting himself to the practice of Samadhi, always reflects on his own self being the Self of the whole universe . Destroying completely by this means the imaginations which are due to the gloom of ignorance, he lives blissfully in Brahman, free from action and oscil- lation of the mind.

\ Forbearing — having forbeararce or fortitude.

Free from aciion—x. e. selfish action. ]

356. Those alone are free from the bondage of transmigration who, attainmg Samadhi, have merged the objective world, the sense-organs, the mind, nay, his very ego, in the Atman, the Knowledge Abso-

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