��378. Fixino^ the mind finaly on the Ideal, Brahman, and restraining the ex- ternal oro-ans in their respective centres; with the body held steady, and taking no thoii<rht for its main^-enance; attainin|»: the identity wHh Brahman; and heinj? one with It, always drink joyfully of the Bliss of Brahman in thy own Self, wiHi- • ont a break. What is the nse of other things which are entirely hollow ?
{Resiraini^t^ centres— \. e. not allowing them
to go outward.
Other MrV/.<^j— pursued as means of happiness. j
^nrrirf^T^^ ^^^^ittt^ -r-.^^^frmiT^ i
379. Giving: np the thonght of the not^ Self which is evil and productive of misery, think of the Self, the Bliss 1^bsclnte,whici:' conduces to Liberation.
��'^ r-
��.380. Here shines eternally the Atman,
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