Jinodificaiinns are mere cfforis of speecli," etc.]
f^ilVi^ir M^Tj^RK nf^ill [l^^j ^^: li^^.!.!
399. In the One Entity (Brahman) ».hc concept ;oa of the nuiveise Is a mere phan.oii). W hence ca.ii there be diversity iii that wu:cli is ^haii^riess, foi.nless, and Ahsoiiler'
fsTT^-^iK i^rran: f5if5(i> VvT-^v ?:^i: iivjodi
400. In the Oue Entity devoid of the sconce p's of Seer, Seeing and Seen,— .vhieh is changeless, formless aiid ALsohite, — wkence can there be dTverslty ?
[ 6Vt7' ^c — ot which l44e piNeiiorntrtul worl<i con&isi.s ]
^H^K Uin^k h%h^ r*TTf 5r<r. n^o?!
401. hi the One Entity perfectly hill and motionless Jiikc the ocean after dis- solution of the universe, — which is changeless, formless, and Absolntc, — whence can there be diversity?
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