\lDSolnte Self, the truly ^ise man there- aitei remains alone, as Atman, the eternal, pure Knowledge and Bliss.
[ All M/s— the objective -universe— the not-Self.
Root—\. e. Nescience. ]
416. The knowei of Truth does no mere care whether thi^ body, spun out by the threads of Piarabdha work, falls or re- mains—like the garland on a cow— fcr his mind-functions are at^ rest in the Erahman, the Essence of Bliss.
^Garland C0W—2.S, a cow is supremely im-
concerned about t^e garland put on her neck by somebody, so the man of realisation has got nothtng to do with the body. ]
f^m^^^ ^^ ^T \^\kt iwrfir ^x^f^^ «
417. Realising the Atman, the Infinite .Bliss, as his very Self, with what object, •or for whom, should the knower of Truth
cherish the body?
[ With what object &c.^kTt^^o^^c\:\on of the ^nse of Brihadaranyaka IV. iv. 12. He never
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