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��425. Freed from any sense of reality of external sense-objects, only seeming to enjoy such sense-objects as are offered by others like one sleepy, or like a child, be- holding this world like one seen in dreams, and having cognition of it at chance moments — rare indeed, is such a man, the enjoyer of the fruits of endless merit, and he alone is blessed and es- teemed on earth.
[ 0?ily see?7iing others &€. — When his atten- dants or friends offer him food or some such thing he takes it but half-consciously, his mind being deeply absorbed in Brahman.
The enjoyer merit — i. e. a most fortunate
man. ]
426. That Sannyasin has got a steady illumination who, having his soul wholly merged in Brahman, enjoys eternal bliss, is changeless and free from activity.
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