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429. He who, even having his mind merged in Brahman, is nevertheless quite alert, but free at the same time from the characteristics of the waking state, — and whose Realisation is free from desires, is accepted as a man liberated-in-life.

[ /$• aleri — i. e. never deviates from the ideal

life of a Jnani.

Characteristics waking state — that is, cog- nising the objective world through the senses, and being attached to it, like the ignorant man. ]

430. He whose cares about the pheno- menal state have been appeased, who, though possessed of a body consisting of parts, is yet devoid of parts, and whose mind is free from anxiety, is accepted as a man liberated-in-life.

[ Cares state — i. e. how his bondage will

cease, and so on.

Devoid of parts — as Brahman. ]

431. The absence of the ideas of 'I and mine' in this existing body which follows as a shadow, is a characteristic of one liberated-in-life.

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