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435. The absence of all ideas of interior or exterior in the case of a Sannyasin, owing to his mind being engrossed in tasting the elixir of the Bliss of Brahman, is a characteristic of one liberated-in-life.

[ Interior &c. — Since there is but One Exis* tence — Brahman. ]

436. He who lives unconcerned, devoid of all ideas of 'I and mine^ with regard to the body and the organs etc., as well as to his duties, is known as a man liberated- in-life.

[ The Jnani is free from egoism or Abhimana, though he may be intensely active. This state is hinted at in this Sloka. ]

437. He who has realised his Brahman- hood aided by the Scriptures, and is free from the bondage of transmigration, is^ know^n as a man liberated-in-life.

[Aided (^c. — By discriminating the Truth in- culcated by the Scriptures. ]

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