441. The Sannyasin in whom sense- objects directed by others are engulfed like flowing rivers in the sea, and pro- duce no change, owing to his identity with the Existence Absolute, is indeed liberated.
[ Directed by others — i. e. which others thrust upon him. Whatever comes within his knowl- edge but strengthens his identity with Brahman.
Compare Gita II. 70. ]
��442. For one who has realised the Truth of Brahman there is no more transmigra- tion as before: If there is, that man has not realised his identity with Brahman, but is one whose senses are outgoing in their tendency.
[ Is 0716 whose senses ■&'c. — is an ordinary sense- bound man. ]
443. If it be urged that he is still sub- ject to transmigration through the mo- mentum of his old desires, the reply is — no, for desires get weakened through the realisation of one's identity with Brahman.
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