laing -or end, transcendent, and change- less; there is no duality whatsoever in It.
465. There is only Brahman, the One without a second, the Essence of Exis- tence, Knowledge and Eternal Bliss, and devoid of activity; there is no duality whatsoever in It.
2T^n^^^ Tj^g^TT^^cT ^rfrg^??: I
466. There is only Brahman, the One without a second, which is inside all, liomogeneous, infinite, endless, and all- pervading; there is no duality whatsoever in It.
[ /-homogeneous — admiuing of no variation. ]
467. There is only Brahman, the One without a second, which is neither to be shimn^d nor to be taken up or accepted, and is without any support; there is no
"duality whatsoever in It.
[ Shunned etc. — because It is the Self of all. Without any support — Self-existent, being Itself
the supporx of everything else. ]
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