471. High-souled Sannyasins who have got rid of all attachment, and discarded all sense-enjoyments, who are purified and perfectly restrained, realise this Supreme Truth and at the end attain the Supreme Bliss through their Self-realisation.
[ Safifi}'asins — lit. those who struggle after Realisation.
Pacified — refers to control of the mind. Res- trained — to control of the senses.
End &c, — They attain Videhamukti or dis- embodied, absolute Freedom after the fall of their body. ]
472. Thou, too, discriminate this Su- preme Truth, the real nature of the Self, which is. Bliss undiluted, and shaking off thy delusion created by thy own mind, be free, and illumined, and attain the con- summation of thy life. '
[ Thou, too, &c. — The Guru is addressing the* disciple.
Undiluted — unmixed, i. e. absolute.
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