476. The Gtinis, as well as the Srntis, instruct the disciple, standing: aloof; while the man of realisation crosses (Avidya)' thronoh Illumination alone, backed by the grace of God.
[The Gurus &c. — This instructron is parohha or indirect, while the aspirant's own experience in Samadhi is aparoksha or direct. The former is the means to the latter. ]
Ml , Himself knowing his own indivi- sible Self through his own realisation, and thus becoming perfect, a man should stand face to face with the Atman, with his mind free from dualistic ideas. [Face to fact — i. e. must live in Atman. ]
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��478. The verdict of all discussions on Vedanta is that the Jiva and the whole uni- verse are nothing but Brahman, and that liberation means abiding in Brahman, the indivisible Entity. While the Srutis them- selves are authority (for the statement)
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