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JBody,. is a fraction of this last. The- bliss of thi> Virat e^'en is enough to melt the finite mind: Compare Sri Ramakrishna's story of a ship- that came near a magnetie Fock and had all its bolts' drawn out, so that it was rediKed to its priatine- condition.

Haihtone &-c. : The hailstones that accompany a shower of rain on the ocean quickly melt and' become one with it.

Now- — after return to the normal plane of con- sciousness. ]

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483'.. Where is the universe gone^ by v/hont removed, and whers^ is' it mei^ed? It was xust now seen by me, and has it ceased to exist? — It is parsing* strange!

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484. In the ocean ©f Brahman filled with the nectar of Absolute BIi&&,. what is to> be shtmaaed and what ajccepted, what is^ other (than^ oneself )< and what different?

[ What shunned &^c. — There is nothing besides- the One Atman^ and the aspirant is identified with That. ]


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