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activity; I am the Essence of Pure Knowl- edge, I am Absolute, and indentified with Eternal Good.

[ Not the doer &c, — It is the man under delusion \vho thinks himself as these. But I am Illumined.]

491. I am indeed different from the seer, listener, speaker, and enjoyer; I am the Atnian — eternal, without any break, be- yond activity, limitless, unattached, and infinite Knowledge.

I" Different from the seer &c.~\ never identify myself with any activity ©f the organs or the mind, for I am no longer finite. ]

492. I am neither this nor that, but the Illuminer of both; I am indeed Brahman, the One without a second, pure, devoid of interior or exterior, and infinite.

[ Neither this nor //^a/— things that come under direct or indirect perception. It is the body \Yhich makes ideas of nearness or remoteness etc. possible. ]

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