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Translation contd

in the case of a seeker; whoever abides in these, gets Liberation from the bondage of the body, which is the conjuring of Ignorance.

[The reference is to Kaivalya Upanishad i. 2.

Faith — Shraddha, Devotion — Bhakti. These have been defined in Slokas 25 and 31, 32.

Bondage of the body — i.e. the identification of the Self with the body, which is solely due to Ignorance or Avidya.]

Sloka #47

अज्ञानयोगात्परमात्मनस्तव ह्यनात्मबन्धस्तत एव संसृतिः ।
तयोर्विवेकोदितबोधवह्निः अज्ञानकार्यं प्रदहेत्समूलम् ॥४७॥


47. It is verily through the touch of Ignorance that thou who art the Supreme Self, findest thyself under the bondage of non-Self, whence alone proceeds the round of births and deaths. The fire of knowledge, kindled by the discrimination between these two, burns up the effects of Ignorance together with their root.

Sloka #48

शिष्य उवाच ।
कृपया श्रूयतां स्वामिन्प्रश्नोऽयं क्रियते मया ।
यदुत्तरमहं श्रुत्वा कृतार्थः स्यां भवन्मुखात् ॥४८॥


48. The disciple said; Condescend to listen, Master, to the question I am