163. Just as thou dost not identify tliy self with the shadow-body, the image- body, the dream -body, or the body thou hast in the imaginations of thy heart, cease thou to do Hkewise with the living- body also.
[ Shadoiv-hody — The shadow of thv body.
Jmage-body — the image or reflection of thy body, cast in water etc.
Dream-body — the body that thou mayst assume in dreams.
Living-body — the gross body, with the Pranas etc.]
164. The identification with the body alone is the root which produces the mi.sery of birth etc., of people who are at- tached to the unreal ; therefore destroy thoii this with the utmost care. Whea this identification caiised by the mind is given up, there is no more chance for rebirth.
[ Compare Chhandogya Upa. VIII. xii. i. ]
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