Page:Vivian Grey, Volume 1.djvu/261

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selves, that was exactly my impression; and she is then very, very———don't exactly mean to say meddling, or inquisitive; but—but you understand me. Dr. Sly?"

"Perfectly; and if I were to speak my mind, which I don't hesitate to do in confidence to you, Miss Graves, I really should say, that she's the most jealous, irritable, malicious, meddling, and at the same time fawning, disposition, that I ever met with in the whole course of my life—and I speak from experience."

"Well, do you know, Dr. Sly, from all I 've seen, that was exactly my impression; therefore I have been particularly careful not to commit myself to such a person."

"Ah! Miss Graves! if all ladies were Hke you!—O———h!"

"My dear Dr. Sly!"