Page:Vivian Grey, Volume 1.djvu/263

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guests might be consulted, without risking even their secret looks to the gaze of liveried menials. The Marquess's gentleman sat in an antichamber, in case human aid might be necessary, and every thing, as his Lordship averred, was "on the same system as the Cabinet Dinners."

In the ancient kingdom of England, it hath ever been the custom to dine previously to transacting business. This habit is one of those few which are not contingent upon the mutable fancies of fashion, and at this day we see Cabinet Dinners, and Vestry Dinners, alike proving the correctness of my assertion. Whether the custom really expedites the completion, or the general progress of the business which gives rise to it, is a grave question, which I do not feel qualified to decide. Certain it is, that very often, after the dinner, an appointment is made for the transaction of the business on the following morning: at the same time it must be re-