Page:Vivian Grey, Volume 2.djvu/15

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same inflexibility of character which prevented him from smoking in Germany, attracted in Italy the loud contempt of those accomplished creatures—the Anglo-Italians. The Duchess of Derwentwater, who saluted with equal naïveté a Cardinal, or a Captain of banditti, was once almost determined to exclude Mr. Cleveland from her conversazione, because he looked so much like an Englishman; and at Florence he was still more unpopular; for he abused Velluti, and pasquinaded his patroness.

Although possessed of no fortune, from the respectability of his connexions, and the reputation of his abilities, he entered Parliament at an early age. His success was eminent. It was at this period that he formed a great friendship with the present Marquess of Carabas, many years his senior, and then Under Secretary of State. His exertions for the party to which Mr. Under Secretary Lorraine belonged were unremitting; and it was mainly through