Page:Vivian Grey, Volume 2.djvu/180

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"Murray can't do better. It's absolutely necessary that he should do something. Lockhart is a man of prodigious talents. Do you know him?"

"Not in the least.—He certainly is a man of great powers, but I think rather too hot for the Quarterly."

"Oh! no, no, no—a little of the Albemarle Anti-attrition will soon cool the fiery wheels of his bounding chariot. Come! I see our horses."

"Hyde Park is greatly changed since I was a dandy, Vivian. Pray, do the Misses Otranto still live in that house?"

"Yes— blooming as ever."

"It's the fashion to abuse Horace Walpole, but I really think him one of the most delightful writers that ever existed. I wonder who is to be the Horace Walpole of the present century? some one perhaps we least suspect."

"Vivida Vis, think you?"

"More than probable. I'll tell you who