"Oh! nothing, nothing; people talk at random—at random—at random. I feel confident you quite agree with me,—eh! Vivian?"
"Really, my Lord, I fear I'm unusually dull this morning."
"Dull! no, no, you quite agree with me. I feel confident you do. People must be taught what their situations are—that's what I was saying, Vivian. My Lord Courtown," added the Marquess in a whisper, "is not to have every thing his own way,—eh! Vivian?"
"Oh, oh!" thought Vivian, "this then is the result of that admirable creature, Mrs. Felix Lorraine, staying a week with her dear friend. Lady Courtown."—"My Lord, it would be singular, if, in the Carabas party, the Carabas interest was not the predominant one."
"I knew you thought so. I couldn't believe, for a minute, that you could think otherwise: but some people take such strange ideas into their heads—I can't account for them. I