Page:Vivian Grey, Volume 2.djvu/207

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to be expected that I, the Marquess of Carabas, was going to make any move which compromised the predominancy of my interests. No, no, no, my Lord Courtown—the predominant interest must be kept predominant,—eh! Vivian?"

"To be sure, to be sure, my Lord; explicitness and decision will soon arrange any desagrémens."

"I have been talking to the Marchioness, Vivian, upon the expediency of her opening the season early. I think a course of Parliamentary dinners would produce a good effect. It gives a tone to a political party."

"Certainly; the science of political gastronomy has never been sufficiently studied."

"Egad! Vivian, I 'm in such spirits this morning. This business of Beresford so delights me; and finding you agree with me about Lord Courtown, I was confident as to your