Page:Vivian Grey, Volume 2.djvu/243

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was quite happy to find you slumbering so calmly."

"And yet ray dreams were not the dreams of joy.—Oh! my mother, you were wont to smile upon me—alas! you smiled upon your sorrow."

"Vivian, my beloved! you must indeed restrain your feelings. At your age, life cannot be the lost game you think it. A little repose, and I shall yet see my boy the honour to society which he deserves to be."

"Alas! my father, you know not what I feel! The springiness of my mind has gone. Oh! man, what a vain fool thou art! Nature has been too bountiful to thee. She has given thee the best of friends, and you value not the gift of exceeding price, until your griefs are past even friendship's cure. Oh! my father! why did I leave you!" and he seized Mr. Grey's hand with a convulsive grasp.