Page:Vivian Grey, Volume 2.djvu/26

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"There is my Lord Beaconsfield."

"Powerful—but a dolt."

"Well," thought Vivian, "it must out at last; and so to it boldly. And, Mr. Cleveland, there is little fear that we may secure the powerful interest, and tried talents of— the Marquess of Carabas."

"The Marquess of Carabas!" almost shrieked Mr. Cleveland, as he started from his seat and paced the room with hurried steps; and the greyhound and the Newfoundland jumped up from their rug, shook themselves, growled, and then imitated their master in promenading the apartment, but with more dignified and stately paces.—"The Marquess of Carabas! Now, Mr. Grey, speak to me with the frankness which one high-bred gentleman should use to another;—is the Marquess of Carabas privy to this application?"

"He himself proposed it."

"Then, Sir, is he baser than even I con-