Page:Vivian Grey, Volume 2.djvu/43

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"But what, my lady?"

"He thinks—he thinks—"

"Thinks what, my lady?"

"That you've entered into a conspiracy, Mr. Grey."

"Entered into a conspiracy!"

"Yes! Mr. Grey, a conspiracy—a conspiracy against the Marquess of Carabas, with Mr. Cleveland. He thinks that you have made him serve your purpose, and that now you're going to get rid of him."

"Well, that s excellent; and what else does he think?"

"He thinks you talk too loud," said the Marchioness, still working at her bracelets.

"Well! that 's shockingly vulgar! Allow me to recommend your Ladyship to alter the order of those bracelets, and place the blue and silver against the maroon. You may depend upon it, that's the true Vienna order—and what else does the Marquess say?"