Page:Vivian Grey, Volume 2.djvu/64

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"And now for the letter, Mr. Grey!"

"Ay, now for the letter;" and Vivian slowly drew an epistle from his pocket, and there-from read some exceedingly sweet passages, which made Mrs. Felix Lorraine's very heart's blood tingle. Considering that Vivian Grey had never in his life received a single letter from Mr. Cleveland, this was tolerably well: but he was always an admirable Improvisatore! "I am sure that when Cleveland comes to town everything will be explained; I am sure, at least, that it will not be my fault, if you are not the best friends. I am heroic in saying all this, Mrs. Lorraine; there was a time, when—(and here Vivian seemed so agitated that he could scarcely proceed)—there was a time when I could have called that man—liar! who would have prophesied that Vivian Grey could have assisted another in rivetting the affections of Mrs. Felix Lorraine;—but enough of this. I am a weak inexperienced boy, and misinter-