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a withering frown, and see if it is not possible to repel her advances."

That night there came an early frost. The splendid robes of the Dahlia were ruined by its chilling touch. She hung her head in bitterness, and was ashamed to be seen.

But the little pale-cheeked Verbena, whom she had so long despised, looked meekly up, and spoke kind and cheering words. It had been sheltered from the frost by the drapery of its proud neighbor.

Forgetting the disdainful demeanor of the Dahlia, it tenderly ministered to its sorrows, and sent up its sweetest perfumes, to cheer her, like a cloud of incense.

And as I bent down, admiring its sympathy, there seemed to come from its meek example, a gentle voice, "Go thou and do likewise."