[It is my custom to prefix to each work of the series the name of every authority cited in its pages. In this instance, however, it is impracticable. So immense is my material for theHistory of Mexicothat a full list of the authorities would fill a third of a volume, obviously more space than can properly be allowed even for so important a feature. I therefore reduce the list by omitting, for the most part, three large classes: first, those already given forCentral America;second, those to be given in theNorth Mexican States;and third, many works, mostly pamphlets, which, though consulted and often important, have only an indirect bearing on history, or which have been cited perhaps but once, and on some special topic. These, and all bibliographic notes, are accessible through the index.]
Abbot (Gorham D.), Mexico and the United States. New York, 1869.
Abert (S. T.), Is a ship canal practicable. Cincinnati, 1870.
Abispa de Clailpancingo (La). Mexico, 1821-2.
Abieu (Antonio Joseph Alvarez de), Víctima Real Legal. Madrid, 1769. folio.
Abreu (Francisco), Verdad Manifiesta que declara ser la jurisdiccion ordinaria. n.pl., n.d.
Abuses del poder judicial en la Suprema Corte. Guadalajara, 1844.
Academia de Derecho Español. Solemne Accion de Graciaa al Congreso. 15 de Marzo de 1813. [Mexico], 1814.
Academia Nacional de San Cárlos de Mexico. Catálogo de los objetos. Mexico, 1850; Sétima Esposicion. Mexico, 1855.
Acapulco, Exposicion de la Junta del camino de. Mexico, 1845.
Acapulco, Provision para tripulantes de los galeones y para guarnicion. MS. 1766-8. folio.
Accion de Gracias que Tributa el Clero y Pueblo Mexicano al Todopoderoso por el Triunfo de la Religion. Mexico, 1834.