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The council was presided over by the archbishop, and the following prelates and dignitaries of the church were in attendance. Bishops: Miguel Álvarez de Abreu, of Antequera; Friar Antonio Alcalá, of Yucatan, and elect of Guadalajara; Francisco Fabian y Fuero, of Puebla, and José Diaz Bravo, of Durango. The bishoprics of Michoacan and Guadalajara were represented by canons of their chapters. Prelates of the religious orders: generals of the San Hipólito and Bethlehemite orders, and the provincials of the Franciscans, and barefooted Franciscans, Dominicans, Augustinians, barefooted Carmelites, and order of Mercy; and the comisario of the clérigos regulares of San Camilo. The colegiata of Guadalupe likewise had two seats in the council. Oidor Antonio de Rivadeneira, as asistente real, and José Areche, fiscal of the audiencia; and the two representatives of the city of Mexico. The officials of the council were the secretary. Doctor Andrés Martinez Campillo, promoter, master of ceremonies, notary, and two nuncios.

The labors of the council were completed on the 26th of October,[1] and on the 10th of November a commissioner was despatched to Spain with the acts to be laid before the king in council for approval. This was never given them, owing to the many objections preferred by the fiscal for Peru, based chiefly on alleged grievances against Archbishop Lorenzana. The king on the 8th of October, 1772, ordered that the acts should not be made public till they were sanctioned by his council and the pope. They have consequently remained unpublished.[2] An authenticated copy of them exists in the archives of the archbishopric of Mexico. The manuscript has a blue velvet cover, and is entitled Concilio IV provincial Mex-

    councils, and was followed by the asistente real, or viceroy's proxy, who spoke of what was to be done, and ended with vivas and acclamations to the viceroy, and Visitador Galvez. Bustamante, Suplem., in Cavo, Tres Siglos, iii. 9.

  1. On the 10th of the same month the council was visited by De Croix's successor, Bucareli, amid much ceremonial, and with a large suite. Bustamante, Suplem., in Cavo, Tres Siglos, iii. 9-10.
  2. Concilio Prov. Mex. IV, MS., i. 365; Beleña, Recop., ii. 334-5.