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Page:Vol 3 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu/715

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It is not an easy matter to arrive even approximately at the number of the secular clergy in New Spain. Very early in the present century, however, it was computed at about five thousand.[1] Most of the sees had special seminaries for the education of young men desiring to enter the priesthood. They were under the real patronato, and had a number of scholarships in the patronage of the king's representative, who made the choice upon the report or recommendation of their respective rectors. There were other scholarships endowed by private individuals and open to competition. There was also a number of professorships whose incumbents were appointed by the vice-patron.[2]

    ser., in Doc. Hist. Mex., 2d ser. iv. 18-19; Id., 2d ser., in Id.; Id., iv. 75-504, passim; Gaz. Mex. (1784-5), i. pref. 3, p. 114; (1786-7), ii. 21, 257; (1788-9), iii. 145-9; (1790-1), iv. 105-356, passim; (1794-5), vi. 645; (1800), X. 12-14, 73, 89; (1804-5), xii. 117-20; Gaz. Mex., 1728 and 1729, a. Arévalo, Comp., 29-30, 184; Gaz. Gob. Mex. (1810), i. 802; Calle, Mem. y Not., 62, 72, 83, 90-1, 99, 122; Dávila, Continuacion, MS., 193, 285; Vetancurt, Trat. Mex., 26, 27, 52, 53, 71, 72, 77; Velancurt, Menol, 137; Robles, Diario, 223-495, passim; Gomez, Diario, 15-312, passim; Guijo, Diario, 218, 277-8, 371; Castro, 13, 14, 18, 19, 39, 43, 47-8, 56-7; Juarros, Guat., i. 291; Juarros, Comp., 284-90, 297-8, 359-60; Santos, Chrón. Hosp., ii.480; Dávila, Mem. Hist., pt. i. 117-57; Disturbios de Frailes, MS., i. 571; ii. no. 2; Rivera, Diario Curiosa, in Doc. Hist. Mex., 2d ser. iv. 88; vi. 12, 18-19, 26; Oax., Asuntos, in Doc. Ecles. Mex., MS., no. 2, 2, 74; Diario Mex., viii. 285; ix. 177; xi. 207-9, 505; Cedulario, MS., i. 209; iii. 140; Soc. Mex. Geog., Boletin, viii. 547; Iglesias, Rel., 287-300; La Casas y la Mota, Memorial, 102; Arévalo, Comp., 30; Gaz. Mex., Aug. 1728, in Arévalo Comp., 69; Perez, Orac. Fúnebre, 1-42; Alcedo, Dicc., i. 108; ii. 246; iii. 141; Alcalde, Elog. Fúneb., 34-41; i.-xxviii. 1-49; Sermon Panegírico, 1-23; Oratio Fúneb., i.-xxxix.; Sermon Predic., 1-30; Rel. Senc, del funeral, 1-13; Mora, Revol. Mex., iii. 358; iv. 58; Mota-Padilla, Conq. N. Gal., passim; Descrip, y Prosp., 1-13; Subsidio Ecles., in Doc. Ecles. Mex., MS., iii. no. 1, 59, 276; Jal. Mem. Hist., 205-7; Registro, Yucateco, i. 228-30; ii. 331 43; Castillo, Dicc. Hist., 9-314, passim; Guadal., in Doc. Ecles. Mex., MS., i. no. 6, 9; Castilla, Espejo de Exemp. Ob., passim; Escudero, Estad. Dur., 23; Escudero, Not. Son., 40; Romero, Not. Mich., 14-21, 25, 151; Linares, Cuadro Sinóp., in Soc. Mex. Geog., Boletin, 2da ep. iv. 6.39-40; Montaña, El Corazon de las rosas, passim; Carriedo, Estudios, 67-8, 114-17; Alaman, Hist. Mej., iii. 381; Iglesias y Conv., 175-7, 231-3, 316-20; Sosa, Episcop. Mex., 80, 99, 126, 145, 151, 160, 175-7, 231-3, 316-20; Arroniz, Biog. Mex., 152-5; Lázaro, Sermon Funebre, nos. 6 and 7, in Arteaya Josías Domenech, Hist, du Mex., i. 282; Alfaro y Piña, Cat. de Guad., 5-14; Ancona, Hist. Yuc., ii. 201-518, passim.

  1. Humboldt, Essai Pol., i. 127; Real Consulado de N. Esp., in Soc. Mex. Geog., Boletin, ii. 6; Mex. Diario, vi. 94. Calle, Mem. y Not., 45, gives the number of clergymen at 6,000 in 1046; he probably meant both secular and regular priests, otherwise his figures appear excessive.
  2. Estalla, xxvii. 192-3; Iglesias y Conv., 16, 24, 147-52, 190-1, 230, 275, 304-5, 334; Fab. an. Col. de Provid., 307-11, 522-656, passim; Haro y Peralta, Carla Pastoral, 1-200, passim.