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could not fail to extend in a certain degree also to the home government, naturally alarmed the king, and was a main reason for the clemency observed; but few well directed steps were taken to profit by the lesson in conciliating the creoles, and their number and feeling grew apace till they became irresistible.

    from Ramirez' library, whereof the first contains several important relations by Urrutia, partly in condensed form; and the second, a lengthy report by the secretary of Gelves, Tobar Godinez, and one in favor of Serna, from an early rare publication also in my possession. A third volume folio, Tumultos de Mexico, collected by the same gentleman, contains original documents and early copies bearing chiefly on the investigation, its results and subsequent acts. Grambila, Tumultos de Mex., is an original folio manuscript in defence of Gelves; another, Relacion de Tumultos, opposes him. Among the rare accounts printed at this time are: Mexico, Relacion Sumaria, drawn for Gelves by Inquisitor Flores and Friar Lormendi; Relacion del Estado en que. . . hallo los Reynos, also prepared by him; Memorial de lo Sucedido, in favor of Serna; Burguillos, Memorial para. . .Carillo, by Gelves' confessor; Garzes de Portillo, En la Demanda, bearing on the sanctuary privilege. From one or more of these sources have been prepared a number of accounts with more or less impartiality, yet none of them complete or reliable, events subsequent to the actual riot being almost wholly ignored. Cavo for instances claims to have used five accounts, three of them in favor of Gelves, yet his clerical bias is too evident. Much fairer is Sosa, Episc. Mex., 59-63, Ribera, Gob. Mex., i. 113-17, and Alcaraz, in Liceo Mex., ii. 121 et seq. Dicc. Univ., x. 653-63, gives Cortina's imperfect version. Mora is very faulty. Mex. y sus Rev., iv. suppl. 2-43. Comparatively brief or unimportant are the accounts in Vetancurt. Trat. Mex., 13; Lorenzana, in Concilio Prov., 1555-65, 216; Cortés, Hist. N. Esp., 21-2; Sigüenza y Gongora, Parayso Occid., 124, 448; Alegre, Hist. Comp. Jesus, ii. 146-51; Crónica del Cármen, vi. 757; Gage, Voy., i. 225-45; Medina, Crón. S. Diego, 151-2; Velasco, Exalt. Divina, 39-44; Grijalva, Crón. S. Agust., 110 et seq.; Revista Mex., i. 81 et seq.; Fisher's Nat, Mag., i. 249-54; Mayer's Mex. Aztec, i. 188-94; Müller, Reisen, ii. 52-67; Lacunza, Disc. Hist., 488-91; Bustamante, Voy., No. 10.