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house would have been bankrupt. The creditors, however, were tolerant, and in some years the debts were paid, and the means of livelihood saved to the family.[1]

Being passionately fond of dangerous sports and martial exercises from early youth, Ignacio was conspicuous for his boldness and skill as a horseman, and frequently signalized himself in the bull-ring, from which he did not always escape unharmed, being crippled in the left arm from injuries received there. His strength was so great that he could hold back a bull by the horns,[2] and he was ever ready to employ it in defence of the weak. Before he had attained the age of seventeen he was appointed provisionally a lieutenant in the queen's dragoons, was confirmed in the appointment in the following year, and in 1807 promoted to the rank of captain. He was present with his company at the military encampment established by Iturrigaray at Jalapa, and won for himself the marked approbation of the viceroy by his soldierly bearing and ability.[3] According to Mier y Guerra, his regard for the viceroy was such that he took an oath to avenge his deposal on the Europeans, and thenceforth began to form a definite plan of independence. Allende was an extremely handsome man, of engaging manners and captivating address. To resolution he united a perseverance which never yielded to obstacles or opposition. His daring both in the field arid in the expression of his opinions

  1. Ignacio had two brothers, Domingo and José María, the former dying before the revolution, the latter taking no part in it. Id., 355. There were also three sisters, Jossefa, Maríana, and Manuela. Liceaga, Adic. y Rectific., 15-16.
  2. 'Era un sugeto bien educado, insinuante y fino, de tal fuerza que detenía un toro por las hastas.' Guerra, Hist. Rev. N. Esp., i. 290. See also Zerecero, Mem. Rev. Mex., 27. Pedro José Sotelo, an eye-witness, speaking of a bull fight in which Allende took part, says: 'En esta corrida toreó D. Ignacio Allende, y luchó con un toro, con cuya accion dejó admirados a los espectadores.' Hernandez y Dávalos, Col. Doc., ii. 322.
  3. 'Habia merecido los elogios del virey Iturrigaray, principalmeute porque adiestrando este el exército acantonado en las maniobras y ardides de guerra aquel le sorprehendió en una noche con toda su guardia.' Guerra, Hist. Rev. N. Esp., i. 290.