surgents were drawn up in two lines on the summit rectangular hill which overlooked the town[1] and was almost surrounded by barrancas and gullies. Within the lines numbers were drawn up in the form of an oblong, the artillery being stationed in the front and on the right flank, while the rear was occupied by disorderly crowds. The encounter which followed was not properly an engagement, but rather a feint on the part of the revolutionary leaders, who had de-
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A Line of battle of the royalist army.
B Park of artillery in position. 1 Cavalry on the left.
2 Cavalry on the right.
3 Body of cavalry covering the flank of the infantry.
4 Bodies of infantry.
5 Reserve of cavalry.
6, 6 Cavalry on left and right in column.
7 Company of volunteers.
8 Cavalry on left flank of infantry columns.
9 Reserve cavalry of same columns.
10 Columns of infantry.
11 Park of artillery in second position.
12, 12 Park of artillery opening fire.
13 Columns of infantry mounting the hill to attack.
14 Cavalry in reserve.
15, 15 Position of the insurgent army.
16 Insurgent artillery.
17 Equipage, ammunition, and carriages.
18 Companies of patriots of San Luis doing service as light troops.