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When Fernando recovered his throne he showed his esteem for Venegas by conferring on him the high est offices of honor.[1]
- ↑ In the preparation of this and the preceding four chapters, the following authorities have been consulted: Córtes, Diario, 1810-11, i. ii. 273, 316-17, 346-50; Id., 1811, iii. 387; Id., 1811, iv. 36, 64, 170-1, 192, 272; Id., 1811, v. 12; Id., 1811, vi. 16; Id., 1811, vii. 471; Id., 1811, ix. 7-8, 354, 358; Id., 1811, x. 89; Id., 1811-12, xi. 114; Id., 1812, xii. 72, 122, 213; Id., 1812, xiv. 333; Id., xv. 254-6; Id., 1813, xvii. 151; Id., 1813, xix. 66, 330; Id., 1813, xx. 14-16; Córtes, Act. Ord., 1814, i. 518; Córtes, Col. Doc., ii. 25, 44-5, 158-64, 217-20, 224-6; Id., iii. 6, 56, 106-30; Córtes, Diar. Exta., viii. 1822-3, 7-8; Córtes, Diario Ofic., iii. 105; Bustamante, Cuad. Hist., i. 323-8, 384-406; Id., ii. 46-7, 99-106, 122-48, 158-62, 176-80, 202-34, 233-9, 251, 299-301, 307-15; Id., iv. 148-57; Bustamante, Campañas de Calleja, 158-9; Id., Notic. Biog., 12-13; Id., Elogio Morelos, 13-16; Alaman, Hist. Méj., ii. 443-5, 469-70, 534-7, 549; Id., iii. 67-71, 87-97, 104-32, 137-69, 176-204, 204-38, 245-68, 272-6, 316-53, 378-80, 581-2, app. 30-6, 45-9; Id., iv. 724, app. 3-5; Cancelada, Tel. Amer., 1-8; Id., Tel. Mex., 274-5, 281-2; Gaz. de Mex., iii. passim; Id., iv. 242; Dicc. Univ. Hist. Geog., iv. 180-2; Id., vi. 844-81; Id., ix. 219-22, 581; Id., x. 87-8, 114-16, 132, 640-1, app. i. 58-9; Carriedo, Estudios Hist., ii. 16-26; Cavo, Tres Slglos, 24-44, 46-50, 334-44; Cedidario, i. fol. 97; Hernan y Dáv., i. 342, 846-55, 864-8; Id., iv. 899-901; Id., v. 188-96, 298, 615-84, 909-11, 921; Id., vi. 26-7, 32-3, 41, 100-22, 245-6, 251-2, 1036-8; Liceaga, Adic. y Rectific. 227-42; Torrente, Rev. Hispan.-Amer., 310-42; Arróniz, Biog. Mex., 214-17; Arrangoiz, Mex., i. 155-98; Id., app. 100; Museo Mex., ii. 163-76; Mosaico Mex., ii. 118, 196, 198, 232; Mora, Rev. Hex., iv. 201-14, 366-412, 417-36, 445-8; Mex. Bosquejo Revol, 15-16; Mex. Col. Leyes Fund., 34-91; Mendlbil, Resúmen Hit., 86-7, 94-7, 120-45, 151, 154-5, 161-2; app. ii. 375-83, iii. 384-5, iv. 385, v. 385-6; Mayer, Mex. Aztecs, i. 289-93; Niles' Register, ii. 71, 238, 365; Id., iii. 64, 144, 272; Perez, Dicc. Geog. Estad., i. 115-16; Quart. Rev., xvii. 542-3; Pinart, Print, i. no. 7; Id., no. 9; Mex. El Virey de N. Esp., 1-8; Spain, Constit. Polít., Madrid, 1820, passim; Cor. Fed. Mex., Sept. 24, 1827. 2-3; Spain, Constit. Polít., Cadiz, 1812, reprint Mex. 1820, passim; S. Amer. and Mex. 157-66; Rev. in Span.-Amer., 312-44; Guerra, Hist. Rev. N. Españ., i. ii., passim; Rivera, Hist. Jalapa, i. 349-50, 363-4, 373-5, 405, 409; Robinson, Mex. Rev., i. 49-69; Id., ii. 321-8; Rockwell, Spain and Mex. Law, 398; Ahrens, Mex. and Mex. Zurt., 7; Constit. Polít. Monarquía Españ., Cadiz, 1812, passim; Gallo, Hombres Ilustres, iv. 7-171; Diar. de Avisos, 26 April, 1859, passim; Kewen's Wm. Walker, MS., 23-7; Kottenkamp, Unabhängigkeitskampf, 155-71, 175-6; La Ilustr. Mex., i. 99-100, 437-9; Lemprière, Notes in Mex., 424; Orizava, Ocur., 4-15, 165; Ward's Mex., i. 183-5, 202-26; Walton, Exposé, 392-6; Young, Hist. Mex.; 89-911 Zamacois, Hist. Mex., viii. passim; Id., ix. 5-9, 125, 225-31, 503-5, 568, 609-20, 779-96; Id., x. 276-7; Id., xi. 649, 843; Id., app. 789-91; Zerecero, Rev. Mex., 133-5, 185-90.