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ertheless he availed himself of the opportunity to obtain letters of marque from the pirate headquarters at Barataria Island, none of which were used how ever.[1] He also joined Toledo in planning an expedition against Tampico, but the government at Washington was advised and forbade its formation.[2] About the same time Rayon appointed Bustamante minister to the United States.[3] He failed to depart on his mission, and in the following summer of 1815 Doctor Herrera was charged therewith by the congress, on the strength of Toledo's representations that aid could be obtained in the northern United States.[4]

He was also to arrange with the papal nuncio for confirmation of ecclesiastic appointments by the congress and permission to dispose of church revenue till the close of the war.[5] Herrera did little or noth-

  1. Two hundred were sent to Rosains. Rel. Hist., 11. The Spanish government took alarm and ordered a fleet against the pirates. Córtes, Act. Ord., i. 453, ii. 19. Anaya's companion Father Pedroza revealed his plans to the Spanish consul at New Orleans. Declaration in Gaz. de Mex., 1816, vii. 2-3.
  2. Amer. State Papers, iv. 1, 422-626, passim; Niles' Register, ix. 33, 315, 392-7, 405, etc.; Negrete, Mex. Siglo XIX., vi. 419-24. Rosains on his side checked the project to appoint Anaya a minister and empower him to seek a loan of six millions. Rel. Hist., 12, et seq. He remained a mere agent awhile and came back bringing John Robinson.
  3. He separated from Rayon after the fall of Zacatlan, but failed to obtain either means or opportunity for departure. He had several narrow escapes in his effort to reach the coast between Oct. 1814 and Feb. 1815. Cuad. Hist., iii. 60-1, 210-11, 216, etc.; Id., Hay Tiempo de Hablar.
  4. Alvarez de Toledo stated by letter of May 1815, that he had 2,000 men, and needed only funds to raise 10,000. John Robinson, who claimed to be a brigadier in the U. S. army, came about the same time with Anaya and promised to bring 10,000 men. He obtained $1,000 and was authorized to capture Pensacola in Florida, but remained at Tehuacan. Herrera was accompanied by deputy Zarate as secretary, Father Ponz, late provincial of Santo Domingo de Puebla, as chaplain, and a son of Morelos, young Almonte. He received $15,000 and authority to collect all he could en route. Later remittances followed. With him went Peredo and an American named Elias, with commission to fit out a privateer. . .Captured vessels and arms to be delivered to the congress together with half the cargo and other booty. Nothing came of it, nor of the $8,000 given them. Morelos, Declaracion, 43-4; Mendíbil, Resúmen Hist., 491-2. The appeal to Hayti failed and England held aloof. Hernandez y Dávalos, Col. Doc., v. 609; Quart. Rev., xvii. 548-53; Mayer MSS., pt xxvii. 7-14.
  5. Always on condition of repaying the sum taken. Further, the concession of cruzada bulls, exemption from fast, restoration of Jesuits, and formation of sees, colleges, and benevolent institutions. Cruzada bulls had at one time been suppressed by Rayon as a royalist resource. Negrete, Mex. Siglo XIX., vi. 482-8. For details concerning attitude between church and insur-